Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Your baby's development

You will be astounded by how much your baby changes over their first year so I think it would be useful for me to outline the development you can expect to see over that time period, so that you have an indication that everything is progressing well. Remember this is just a guide so don't be worried if your baby does not do everything at the anticipated rate. Today we'll cover the first 3 months.

Month One
Most newborns can lift their head and respond to a sound within one month of birth. About half will follow objects you show them and start making "baby noises" . A few more advanced babies will smile, or even laugh.

Month Two
Most will now start to make recognisable vocal sounds such as gurgling and will follow objects around. They can hold their head up for short periods. About half will now laugh and smile and their movements will become smoother. Some will be able to hold their head steady and bear their weight on their legs. When on their stomach they may start to try and push themselves up.

Month Three
Most should now be laughing and able to hold their head steady. They should be able to recognise you. About half will be able to recognise your voice and will start making louder baby noises, such as squealing and squeaking. When on their stomach they may start to try and push themselves up. Some will turn towards loud sounds, can roll over and may start to make clapping movements.

Remember, if your baby does not do all these things it doesn't necessarily mean that something is wrong. We all develop at differing speeds.

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